Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fighting Scene 2

Hello There!
This is another Fighting Scene.
I'm not exactly sure about this one. These are experiments/tests of sorts.
Please tell me your thoughts.

An arrow flew at me. I quickly raised my shield, and the arrow found itself lodged into my shield. That wasn’t a stray arrow. Staring hard at where the arrow came from, I immediately spotted someone donning the armor of the opposing side, with an arrow nocked, and a bow drawn to full length. The arrow was pointed at me. Danger! I screamed at myself. I could feel the adrenaline starting to pump throughout my body. Gripping the sword, stained with blood, tightly, I kept my shield towards the archer as I once again stepped forward. Sparks were flying all over the place from the other battles, but it seemed as if this archer was out of place. He wasn’t in the rear guard. Actually, he was barely even seventy metres off of me. Although this was odd, I payed it no mind, starting to slowly speed up from a steady stride into a run towards the archer. He still had his arrow nocked, and it seemed as if he was waiting. Something’s wrong.

But now’s not the time for that. I have to win. Not for the country. Not for honour. No. None of those mattered. It was because of a promise I had made. I was nearing the archer now. Thirty metres. Twenty metres. Ten metres.
My instincts blazed. There was no time to process my thoughts. I threw myself at the ground. I got myself onto the ground with a dull thudding sound.

Hearing another thud, I was puzzled at first, but I quickly realized. It was the archer: he had released the arrow. Had I not dropped, I would’ve been in a bad situation. Hearing the sounds of my head throbbing, I was about to lament on how narrowly I had just missed death, but my training kicked in. I pushed myself off the ground, and, slashing my sword in a perfect arc, I cut down the archer. It seemed like he had tried to put up some resistance, but I paid it no heed. Slowly, I was getting used to this feeling. I had to get used to this feeling. There was no time for weakness on the battlefield. This is a battlefield, and I am someone who must return. For I had a promise to keep. I must return.

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