Sunday, March 15, 2015

Abyss Adventures Chapter 4

Hello, This is HCHH, Thank you for checking this out. The fourth chapter is once again in the view of the main character, Calypso.


Mobs and mobs of goblins. Unending waves of them. This was making me mad, very mad. I hate repetitiveness, especially when it’s just doing a simple action, such as attacking, over and over again. Even though I hate repetition so much, I had been repeating the same action many times now, and it started getting onto my nerves. I felt as if the goblin were just there to purposely make me mad, and I could tell you right now that it was working. My vision had started getting white, as if something like the sun, was in front of me, and I lost consciousness… or at least, I thought I did.
I seemed to have lost my vision, or grayed out, but I recovered immediately, not affected at all. After recovering, I spotted a goblin that seemed to be out of place, as it wasn’t charging at anyone, and was just in the back of the group, biding it’s time. It felt as if that goblin was the boss, so I decided to greet it by charging up and jabbing at it with my pole. My instincts were correct, seeing as the goblin suddenly jumped backwards, and started swelling up in size. I just stopped and stared, and everyone around me did the same. It was like nothing we had ever seen before.
The goblin’s head was the first to swell up, but as it swelled, it was changing. It changed into an ogre, then a demon, and then a pig. It’s torso was no better, changing colors in an amazingly diverse spectrum: blue, yellow, red, green, barf; there were many different colors. The lower half of it’s body changed in a disgusting way, turning into a cow, horse, boar, wolf, until it finally turned into what looked like a giant pig with a pig riding on top.
Seeing this weird abomination, I felt an odd sense of rage, while some of the people around me coughed, probably trying to suppress the urge to laugh at this “Pig”. I can understand their urges, looking at this monstrosity that looked like it came out of a cartoon show for children. I charged towards the strange creature, not heeding the advice of those around me, actually, I couldn’t hear them, my mind completely focused on one thing, not able to perceive anything else. The metal pole I attacked with was deflected by this creature, and I looked up to see that the “pig” was wielding a large broadsword, which had a design that made the broadsword look like it had teeth, and I’m pretty sure it could rip us apart with one slash.
I jumped backwards on reflex, trying to regain my composure, but my heart was racing, knowing that I could have died if I had made one wrong move. Feeling the heat of the battle, I charged forwards, bashing the metal pole against the blade of the “pig”. I wasn’t surprised that my blow was blocked, seeing as I was just a decoy. I smiled as I saw Drew smash the “pig” in the back of the head with a baseball bat. The “pig” flew across the room, landing almost comically into the wall head first. I heard laughter being stifled again, but I paid it no mind as I went in for the final blow on the “pig”. Using my metal pole to smash it’s bottom, I smashed the “pig” even further into the wall.
If it weren’t for the fact that this scene, by itself, was extremely comical, then it would have been very gruesome. I’m sure any of the animal lovers who saw this would have contacted the authorities to get us sued. Thinking that it was over, I turned my back to the “pig”, something that I would later regret with all my being. Walking towards the others, I saw them shout something out, and I realized it. I started turning around quickly, but it was too late. The “pig’s” sword left a huge gash on my back from my right shoulder blade to just below my ribs.
I tried to endure the pain, but I collapsed from the intense pain that felt as if there my body was being torn apart. I can’t even begin to describe this feeling of destruction. Two people ran up to me to check on my situation. I couldn’t recognize them, with my mind in the state that it’s in. I wasn’t in pain or anything. I actually don’t think my body’s ever been better, but it was my mind. My mind was tired beyond belief, and wanted more than anything to just lie unconscious. It seemed as if the others had the same thoughts, seeing as they collapsed one by one, and after seeing most of the people fall into a deep slumber, I fell unconscious as well.
Waking up, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling above me. Jolting up, I appeared to be inside of the nurse’s room. Looking around, I saw that I wasn’t the only one there; everyone who was also stuck in the “game” other than Keith, that mysterious boy, seemed to be in here.
The main campus’ nurse room could also be called a small clinic. It was a place that was pure white: beds, cupboards, desks, chairs; everything was colored white. It was something that reminded you of purity, yet I felt out of place, even discomforted. I wonder if “that” was acting up inside me again. It had been five years.
“So you’re up now, huh? That was really amazing though, the boss and stuff, you know?”
I looked over to the one who spoke out. It was Valerie.
“Yeah, it was amazing. I haven’t felt the rush like that for years. But, y’know, Valerie, I feel that it might happen again.”
I flinched when I heard something rustling behind me. Turning around, I saw that it was just Aaryn, shuffling in her slumber.
“Jeez…  That scared me for a bit. I thought it was another monster or something.”
“I know right… But, what was that when you were fighting? I felt much more scared of you than of the “pig”. What was that?”
“Well… I can’t really explain it. I kinda lost consciousness like that.”
I really couldn’t explain what happened then. It was like I was watching myself in third person perspective, and it was like it wasn’t my own memory. I think it would be something like what happened when I was six. I forgot what happened back then, but all I could say is that I don’t want to remember anyways.
“So, you really don’t know what happened?”
“Yeah, it was kind of hectic back then, you see?”
It seemed that Valerie had gone back to thinking, as she didn’t ask me any more questions. I pulled out my phone. It seemed that time had started back up again, and that the school day had already ended. Looking at the time, I decided to shake Aaryn awake and go back to the dorms.
Standing up, I felt a bit dizzy, but I went back to normal quickly. Walking over to Aaryn’s bed, I shook her a bit, then jumped to the side in order to dodge the swing of her leg. I was used to this, seeing as I was usually the one who had to wake her up, and she was a very active, or should I say, violent person when it came to someone disturbing her “beauty sleep”.
“Huh… what’s up? Is it time for school?” she mumbled groggily.
“Schools already over! We slept past it, so it’s time to go home now!”
“Oh… Okay.”
I don’t think really heard me, but I just walked out the door, and when I looked back, my sister was sleepwalking behind me.
Seeing her following behind me, I walked straight out the door, while Valerie just kept staring out into space, thinking some crazy thoughts of hers. Walking with my sister in tow, I walked down the stairs, and walked out the main campus. Looking around outside, I saw all sorts of people walking around. It had become lively again, here on the grounds of Lune. There were a few people sitting on the lawn, and there were a few people socializing in front of the fountain. It was truly a dignified scene that looked like something out of a painting. There were even a few people I knew, and I felt happy that nobody was hurt during the “game”.
My sister walked behind me, seemingly still sleepwalking, and I didn’t disturb her beauty sleep. I thought for a bit about what just happened with us. We had gotten trapped into a dimension where time had stopped, fought off some fantastical monsters, and then passed out, and stayed in the nurse’s office for the whole day. The more I thought about it, the more fake it seemed, yet I believed that what had happened was completely real. Walking towards the dorms, I thought about many different things: the “game”, school, the “pig”, the incident from 5 years ago, and our parents. It had been a long time since then, and I was now living with my sister, and older brother, who rarely ever came back.
Walking in through the door to our flat, I see a sight which I had not seen for a long time. Our brother, Mark, who was a student at the elite campus, so he would fly around the world for different matters, was sitting on the couch, seemingly waiting for our arrival.
“Hey, you’re back!”
“Mark!” Aaryn shouted, throwing herself into him.
I just stood there half-shocked. My brother had come back home for once, and it was just after what happened today. I was a bit suspicious, but my suspicions died down when he acted just as normal, easy-going, and very care-free.
“I brought back some snacks this time.”
“Oh wow! Thanks!”
“So, where have you gone to this time?” I decided to ask.
“Well, I’ve been all over the place, and it hasn’t been looking good around the world.”
My brother was someone who traveled around the world, helping others. He was known to many as the “Genius Mind”, and he had mastered many different classes and trades.
“I got you both souvenirs. For Cal, a sword, seeing as he loves ‘em, and for Aaryn, a rare book from some ancient civilization.”
He always managed to bring back weird stuff every time, and this wasn’t the first sword that I had gotten from him.
Sitting down onto the sofas with Aaryn and Mark, we talked away into the morning, and it wasn’t until it was nearly midnight that we finally said our goodnights and went off to our rooms in order to actually have enough energy to go to school the next morning. It really was an eventful day today. Many things had happened, such as the “game”, meeting Valerie, fighting the “pig”, and even my brother coming back.

There were too many things to process, and I couldn’t sleep until nearly 4 in the morning, just sorting through my thoughts. In the end, I decided to go and talk it out with Valerie tomorrow.


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