Sunday, March 8, 2015

Abyss Adventures Chapter 3

Hello, This is HCHH, Thank you for checking this out. The third chapter is told from the perspective of one of the main characters, Calypso.


Having run past the main campus from the small valley, I got to the second campus in no time at all, at least that’s what it felt like to me. Bursting in through the main doors I instantly spotted a gob. Charging towards the goblin, I stabbed the pole into the goblin’s weak skin. Piercing through it’s heart, I quickly pulled out the pole, and saw the goblin collapse behind me. Wielding the pole in a professional way, I wondered for a minute about what had gotten into me, but I concluded that it wasn’t important.
Walking towards the FCS(Family and Consumer Sciences) classroom out of instinct, I passed by few goblins, ignoring them, and just letting them chase me. Reaching the FCS classroom, I saw someone cowering in fear inside. Realizing that the goblins caught up with me, I spun around and bashed the three goblins behind me. I caught one off-guard, but the other two jumped out of the way, snarling while taking out small daggers from pouches on their backs.
“Finally some resistance, huh?”
I was speaking to myself, yet I was half-expected the goblins to respond to my question, but they just continued snarling and growling at me, probably waiting for me to show an opening, or charge at them first. Slowly observing the goblin, I realized that they were afraid of me: a larger, stronger creature. Knowing that I had the mental advantage, I chose to rush forward, wielding my trusty metal pole, which had already decimated three goblins. My sudden burst shocked the goblin on the right, and I heard a cracking sound from the breaking skull of the goblin. The goblin on the left was more prepared. It parried my strike with it’s dagger, and it grazed the side of my torso with it’s dagger. I ignored the pain,and forged onwards. Pulling back the pole, I jabbed the pole into the goblin’s head. The goblin’s head blew up into pieces, and I felt myself slowly losing consciousness. Slowly blacking out, the last thing I saw was a blonde girl standing above me, shouting something at me, telling me to stay awake…
Stirring from the darkness, I arose to see that I was in the FCS classroom, with my head on top of a pile of cloth.
“Um… Are you okay?”
I heard someone, and I turned towards them. The person talking was a blonde girl, around our age, with golden hair flowing to her waist, she had sharp blue eyes, seeming to stare straight through you. I felt as if I could keep no secrets before this girl. I shook my head, and decided to respond to her initial question.
“Yes, I’m fine.”
“Ah, good. My name is Valerie Veroth, and you are…?”
“Nice to meet you, Valerie, my name is Calypso Engel.”
“Nice to meet you too, Calypso.”
“You can call me Cal, cause my name’s a bit long.”
“Then, nice to meet you, Cal.”
This girl, Valerie, she didn’t seem to be scared of what was going on, or me. Was she just naturally like this, or has it already ended.
“This seems to be like a game.”
Did she just say what I think she said.
“I said, it seems to be like a game, with monsters, and there should be a boss we can defeat to end this time-pause thing.”
I had come to this conclusion by myself, although I wasn’t completely sure, but she just confirmed my suspicion. It’s like we were the main characters of a story or novel, and this is a game that we were forced to play.
“You think so too?”
“Well, I was the one who told you, but I’m sure you’ve had your suspicions as well.”
“Yes, I had my suspicions, but I don’t know where the boss is. Do you have any clues?”
“No, I was stuck in here, which is what gave me some time to think, but I couldn’t explore around.”
I walked up to the door, looking out at where the goblin corpse was supposed to be, but it was already gone. Instead, there was a completely healthy goblin in it’s place.
This proved it.
“I believe you’re correct about the game thing, and I think the boss is probably in the Main Campus.”
“Ah, that would be the most logical decision, seeing as it is the main campus.”
I sat down across from Valerie, and I prepared to propose that we go over to the main campus to defeat the boss, but then I heard a sound coming from where the revived goblin was standing. I leaped up, signalling for Valerie to stay behind me. I saw her nod as confirmation, then I took my metal pole, and carefully approached the door.
Looking out, I saw Drew standing above the corpse of the revived goblin with Elissa and Aaryn observing from a few feet away. I hurriedly opened the door after seeing them.
“What happened?”
I saw the three of them look around at each other. Drew turned towards me, and started to explain. He explained about how he found Elissa and Aaryn in the third gym, and how they headed towards me, and saw a weird light coming from the office area in the main campus. In turn, Valerie and I explained about how this was probably something like a video game. We explained about how  the strange light they saw was probably where the boss was.
“So, you’re saying that if we defeat the boss, we can get out of this situation?”
“Yeah, that’s what we believe,” I heard Valerie respond to Drew.
I look to see the reactions of all three of them. Aaryn seemed to be acting brave, but I could see her shuddering a bit. Knowing she was braving it, I felt a bit sad that this had come upon us. Elissa was just outright frightened, visibly shivering after learning about the boss. Drew didn’t seem scared or anything. He actually seemed to be raring to go.
“So, should we get going?”
I decided to break the wall of ice-cold silence that had descended upon us.
“Yeah, I think we should get going now.”
With the silence broken by me, Valerie decides to speak out, and all the others seem to nod along, no matter how scared they are. Going out the door first, I decide to lead the way, trying my best to defeat extremely weak goblins that seemed to have appeared everywhere. Luckily, each one of them would turn into a corpse with just one hit, or else I don’t know what we would’ve done.
“These goblins are awfully weak, aren’t they?”
“Yeah, I guess so. I wonder if they got weaker, or if we got stronger, though?”
“True, we could’ve gotten stronger.”
Chatting about things like this, we reached the main campus after walking for a bit. It seemed like we wanted to get this dangerous situation off our minds, and chatting about different things would be the easiest way to do just that. Going near the main campus, I see what they were talking about. The weird green light was shining out of the second floor, near the office area. Walking up to the entrance, Drew opened the door, and we went in, one by one. Walking along with the others, I realized that one more person had joined our ranks. He had short chocolate-colored hair, and sharp, analytical brown eyes, with a smaller body frame. He just naturally slipped in, and no one had noticed him. I decided to call out to him.
“Hello, um... who’re you, and what’re you doing here?”
Everyone suddenly turned around to face him, and he slowly opened his lips to speak.
“Hello, a good day isn’t it? My name is Keith Patton, and I already know who you are, so you don’t need to tell me.”
That was a bit of a weird self-introduction, and the others seemed to be weirded out as well. I couldn’t be bothered with it anymore, so I just continued on, letting him follow us. The others didn’t seem to mind either. Walking into the main campus, we saw a bunch of red dots in the darkness. Quickly realizing what the red dots were, I shouted out to everyone.
We all jumped into a makeshift battle formation (I was one of the front attackers), decided back when we were planning. I jumped up to one of the goblins, and started slaughtering goblins, one by one. We finally began the first fight; the boss fight. We had finally begun the boss fight. The fight for the return of the flow of time has begun .

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